Hamburg measures diesel exhaust gases with passam – Covered in Die Zeit

The dispute over diesel exhaust gas suffers from a lack of measured values. In Hamburg, ZEIT once measured its own emissions using our own passive samplers. The figures suggest that the problem is much bigger than the official data show. Press here and  here for the original text. This photo is copyright (c) 2017 Slaunger and made available under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

#ExhaustAlarm nominated for the prix Europa

The hot topic #ExhaustAlarm is nominated for the famous PRIX EUROPA nominiert. Many thanks for the great article and collaboration to the whole SWR Team. Voting will be open from October 13th. We cross fingers already now! Press here for the article and video.

Testing Dusseldorf’s air quality – passam on german TV WDR

For the first time there are nitrogen oxide values for a large city in NRW. For one month, WDR using our passive samplers, measured at 160 locations in Düsseldorf – on large streets, in residential areas, in front of schools and in parks. Markt with the help of passam clarifies where the pollution is greatest and what the measurement results mean for life in the […]

Air Quality 2018 Conference, Barcelona

Air Quality 2018, Barcelona – European air quality community is gahtering in Barcelona, 12 – 16 of March 2018. Visit us out our booth in the largest air quality trade show in Europe. We are looking forward! Event Website

Air pollution alarm in Germany – passam on german TV ARD

Permanent traffic jams, fine dust and poisonous stock oxides – the Neckartor in Stuttgart has become a synonym for bad air in German cities. However, the exhaust emission limits are also being exceeded in many other places and have been putting a strain on our health for years – even beyond the official measuring stations. The exhaust gas affair brings a new dynamic into the […]

Air pollution is not only a problem of big cities

Passam was figured in one of Germany’s largest TV media, SWR, for our contribution to air pollution measurements at municipality levels. Read the relevant article and watch the videos here

Prominent Nitrogen dioxide monitoring in Germany

The increased NO2 concentrations in many cities of Germany called for prominent investigators. German politicians now use the benefits of passam diffusive samplers to monitor NO2 concentrations at various locations in the city. Read the post of the local newspaper here (in German).

Renewal of Accreditation by the Swiss Accreditation Service

Thanks to all passam team members, the conformity of our products and laboratory service has been accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service this year in August.

Exibition at the 22st Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Exhibition in Tehran

The 22st Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Exhibition IRAN OIL SHOW 2017 took place in the beginning of Mai in Tehran.  We would like to thank all participants, visitors and especially our exclusive partner A. B. Sangari & Sons Ltd. for this great event.                                        We are already looking forward […]

Validation study of ammonia diffusive and active samplers at NPL

The first results from the conducted ammonia validation study under the supervision of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Environment Division, in the United Kingdom are getting published. We would like to thank the NPL for the great work and are convinced that this study will contribute to significantly improve the reliability of measurements in the field. The abstract can be found here.